Linda Bruno has violated her bond by having come in contact with animals on her Tiger Ranch in Frazer Township. Under her bond she was ordered to have no animal contact or their care.
Cat food and litter were found by deputies sent to investigate the property. Proof that cats were still being cared for and cats also found on the Tiger Ranch property.
Linda Bruno was to face charges for animal cruelty and record tampering today, but she was instead ordered to jail by Judge Jill Rangos, allowing Ms. Bruno to find another place to live! She had also lived with her mother who had animals, which was also a violation! Her sentencing has been postponed until Dec 4, 2009, pending a mental evaluation!
Tiger Ranch was raided in March 2008, and 240 of the cats were put up for adoption by the ASPCA ~Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals on August 31, 2009. Anyone interested in adopting the cats can find them on Route 322 in Shippenville.
Another twist as the Tiger Ranch saga continues. I can't help but feel sad for Lin Marie! I had high hopes of her vindication. Seems she's now become a victum of unfortunate circumstances! I've been following the story since the very beginning, and I do believe one thing: anyone who helps animals has a good spirit! What will happen next!
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